5 Secret Facts About Credit That You Never Knew

If you have a credit profile, you’re probably aware that there are a lot of things that affect it. You may even know some of those things. But what about the others? What if you knew the little things that could help your credit score?

Well, don’t worry because we’ve compiled five secret facts about your credit that you never knew. These details can make or break your ability to get a loan or qualify for an apartment. So let’s check them out and find out why they can help you get approved for a mortgage, auto loan, personal loan, and much more!

You Can Raise Your Credit Score With Good Habits

It’s no secret that credit scores are important. They also directly impact how much you can borrow and your eligibility for certain loans or credit cards.

If you want to get the best possible deal, you need to make sure your credit score is in tip-top shape. And luckily, with some good habits, it’s not too hard to raise your score. Good habits don’t happen overnight, though; they take time and effort.

There Are Two Types Of Credit Reports

The first type is a credit report that you get from applying for a loan or credit card, and the other one is a report provided by the three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

A credit report from the three major credit bureaus:

  • Experian: This report can be used to help determine how much information is on your file with them. It will also help determine whether or not there are any errors in your personal information on your file that could impact your ability to get a loan or mortgage.

  • Equifax: This report will verify your social security number and address. In addition to providing information about what’s in your name, it will also provide any data you submitted when you applied for a loan or credit card. This helps lenders verify your identity before deciding whether or not they will approve you for a loan. 

  • TransUnion: This report helps lenders determine if you have been evicted from any properties in the past and what types of loans you have had in the past. It also verifies where you live currently and if there are any liens on property in your name.

The second type of credit report comes from applying for a loan or credit card, which can be found through Credit Karma, Experian, Equifax, TransUnion, etc. These reports are helpful when determining why an application was denied as well as helping assess whether…

Closing An Account Could Help Your Credit Score

One little detail that most people don’t know is that closing a credit card account will help your credit score. This is because it shows that you’re using less of your available spending power and are responsible for it.

It also means you have fewer open accounts, making you a lower risk to the bank. Finally, if you close an account without any other issues, the bank will often report this as positive information to the credit agency. So if you want to increase your credit score, make sure to close up any unused accounts that may be dragging it down.

Paying Off Debt Can Increase Your Score Too!

In the past, your credit score was based mostly on how much debt you had. But as of a few years ago, this changed. Now your credit score is based not just on how much debt you have, but also on how much debt you’re paying off. And that means that if you are trying to increase your credit score, it may be best to focus on getting rid of debt rather than accumulating more.

Paying off more debt can also help your score in other ways too! If you keep paying down your bills and using credit responsibly, it will help build your overall payment history, which is a big factor in determining your credit score. So while it might be necessary to pay off some debt in order to increase your score, remember that this doesn’t always mean that you need to cut up your cards and use cash only!

There are Certain Events that Will Drop Your FICO Score

There are certain events in your life that will drop your FICO score, like closing your old credit card and getting a new one, or signing up for a new cell phone contract. You’ll want to be aware of these events because they could lower your credit score.

Another thing that might cause a drop in your FICO score is not paying your bills on time. If you’re slow with payments or don’t pay at all, you may find yourself with a low credit score since it appears as if you have bad financial habits.

Additionally, if someone applies for an application and uses their social security number instead of the name on their ID, this could also lower their score. This is because it indicates the person doesn’t have the same identity as the authorizing individual.

To Improve Your FICO Score, You Must Maintain Good Credit Habits

The FICO score is a credit scoring model created by Fair Isaac and Company (FICO). This model is widely used in the United States to determine a person’s ability to pay bills on time, as well as their level of risk for default. The system has been widely adopted in the U.S. since 1988, and today it is used in over 140 countries.

In order to improve your FICO score, you must maintain good credit habits. Otherwise, your credit will be negatively affected by missed payments, late payments, or defaults.

There is a lot of information out there about credit, but the most important thing about it is that it is important for your financial future. You need to understand the basics of credit before you can make the best decisions for your personal finances. 

Credit is difficult to understand, but here are some important facts you may not have known about credit: 

-Your FICO score affects your credit score.

-Your credit score affects whether you can get a loan.

-You can raise your credit score with good habits.


For more information on all your credit options, contact Free Credit Repair now!